
Petroleum Geology Basics: Unearthing the Earth's Energy Resources


This engaging 5-day course provides a fundamental understanding of petroleum geology, the science behind the exploration and production of oil and gas. 

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Course Duration

5 Days

Enroll By

Every Week

Course Type

Online/ London

Course Details

This engaging 5-day course provides a fundamental understanding of petroleum geology, the science behind the exploration and production of oil and gas. Participants will explore the geological processes that create hydrocarbon reservoirs, learn how geologists locate and evaluate these reservoirs using a variety of techniques, and understand the methods used to extract oil and gas. The course covers key topics such as rock types and their properties, the formation and trapping of hydrocarbons, geological structures and their influence on reservoir development, reservoir characterization techniques, and the basics of seismic interpretation. Real-world case studies and analysis of geological maps and cross-sections will illustrate the practical application of petroleum geology principles.

This course emphasizes a hands-on approach to learning, combining theoretical concepts with practical exercises and case studies. Participants will analyze geological data, interpret seismic surveys (basic principles), and work with simplified geological models to understand how oil and gas reservoirs are formed, discovered, and produced. We’ll explore the latest technologies used in petroleum exploration and production, giving participants a comprehensive view of this dynamic and critical field. By the end of this course, participants will have a solid foundation in petroleum geology and be prepared to explore more advanced topics.

By the end of this course, learners will be able to:

  • Understand the geological processes that create and trap hydrocarbon reservoirs.
  • Identify and evaluate potential oil and gas reservoirs using various geological techniques.
  • Interpret basic geological maps, cross-sections, and seismic data.
  • Understand the principles behind the methods used to extract oil and gas.
  • Geologists and geophysicists entering the oil and gas industry or seeking to broaden their knowledge.
  • Engineers and other technical professionals in the oil and gas industry who need a foundational understanding of petroleum geology.
  • Land managers and lease analysts involved in oil and gas exploration and production.
  • Anyone with a general interest in learning about the geological aspects of oil and gas.

Course Outline

5 days Course

  • Introduction to Geology: The Earth’s Story:
    • Basic geological concepts: The Earth’s structure, plate tectonics, the rock cycle, and the principles of uniformitarianism.
    • Sedimentary rocks and their formation: The processes of weathering, erosion, transportation, deposition, and lithification, with a focus on the types of sedimentary rocks that commonly host hydrocarbon reservoirs (e.g., sandstones, limestones, shales).
    • The origin and migration of hydrocarbons: The formation of kerogen, the generation of oil and gas, and the processes by which hydrocarbons migrate through subsurface rocks.
    • Practical exercise: Participants examine and classify various rock samples, identifying key features and inferring their origin and formation environment.
  • Geological Structures: Traps for Hydrocarbons:
    • Folds and faults: Understanding the different types of folds (anticlines, synclines) and faults (normal, reverse, strike-slip) and how they create traps for oil and gas.
    • Traps for oil and gas: Exploring different types of hydrocarbon traps, including structural traps (anticlines, fault traps, salt domes), stratigraphic traps (pinch-outs, unconformities), and combination traps.
    • Structural mapping and interpretation: Using geological maps and cross-sections to interpret subsurface structures and identify potential hydrocarbon traps.
    • Case study: Analyzing a geological map of a real-world oil field, identifying the trapping mechanism and discussing the exploration strategy.
    • Reservoir properties: Porosity (the amount of pore space in a rock), permeability (the ability of fluids to flow through a rock), and fluid saturation (the percentage of pore space occupied by oil, gas, or water).
    • Well logging and core analysis: Using well logs (electrical, radioactive, and acoustic measurements) and core samples to determine reservoir properties and evaluate reservoir potential.
    • Reservoir modeling and simulation: Creating computer models of hydrocarbon reservoirs to predict fluid flow and optimize production strategies.
    • Practical exercise: Participants interpret well log data to estimate reservoir properties and evaluate reservoir potential
  • Seismic Interpretation: Imaging the Subsurface:

    • Principles of seismic surveying: Generating seismic waves and recording reflected signals.
    • Seismic data processing and interpretation: Processing seismic data to enhance reflections and interpret subsurface structures.
    • Identifying hydrocarbon traps using seismic data: Recognizing seismic anomalies that may indicate the presence of oil and gas reservoirs.
    • Practical exercise: Participants interpret a simplified seismic section, identifying potential hydrocarbon traps.
  • Petroleum Exploration and Production: From Discovery to Recovery:

    • Exploration methods: Integrating geological surveys, seismic surveys, and drilling data to locate and evaluate potential hydrocarbon accumulations.
    • Production techniques: Primary recovery (natural flow and pumping), secondary recovery (waterflooding and gas injection), and enhanced oil recovery (thermal, chemical, and miscible methods).
    • Environmental considerations in petroleum exploration and production: Minimizing the environmental impact of oil and gas operations.
    • Case study: Examining a successful oil and gas exploration and production project, highlighting the role of petroleum geology in the overall process.